Compressibility of lime-treated dredged slurry with high water content


Weng Zhen-qi,Huang Xin-yu,Chen Jian-da,Lu Sheng-liang,Ni Ding-yu,Wang Jie-Fei


AbstractLime is widely used for soft ground treatment, rendering the compressibility of lime-treated soil a crucial factor in deformation analysis in engineering applications. This study investigated the compressibility of three remoulded lime-treated slurries with high water content in Southeast China. Sixty groups of oedometer tests were conducted on lime-treated soils with an initial water content of 1 to 3 times the liquid limit and lime contents between 1 and 3%. The oedometer test results were discussed to examine the remoulded yield stress $${\upsigma }_{y}^{\prime}$$ σ y of lime-treated slurry. Considering the relationships between $${\upsigma }_{y}^{\prime}$$ σ y , the void ratio, lime content, and initial water content were preliminarily discussed and quantitatively established. Research on the normalised compression curve of lime-treated soil revealed that for soil samples containing a lime content of 0–%, the normalised compression curve at $${\upsigma }_{p}^{\prime}$$ σ p >$${\upsigma }_{y}^{\prime}$$ σ y can be represented by a unique line. Furthermore, the log(1 + e) − log $${\sigma }_{\text{v}}^{\prime}$$ σ v compression curve of lime-treated slurry at pre-yield state is analysed, and a prediction method for the modified compression index is proposed.


'Pioneer' and 'Leading Goose' Key R&D Program of Zhejiang

Key research and development program of Lishui

research Project of Wenzhou Science & Technology Bureau


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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