The relation between authoritarian leadership and belief in fake news


Ospina Juan,Orosz Gábor,Spencer Steven


AbstractIndividual factors such as cognitive capacities matter when one is requested to spot fake news. We suggest, however, that social influence—specifically as exercised by an authoritarian leader—might matter more if one is expected to agree with the fake news. We developed a single-item prototype measure of leadership styles and recruited participants from four Western democratic countries (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, N = 501) who identified their immediate boss as an autonomous, paternalistic, or authoritarian leader. Then they were asked to evaluate the accuracy of several fake news articles and their expectations to agree with their boss when asked about these articles. People with authoritarian bosses were less accurate in spotting fake news (Cohen’s d = 0.32) compared to employees with autonomous bosses. The bigger effect, however, was that they would agree with their boss about the fake news article when it was shared by their authoritarian boss compared to employees with autonomous (Cohen’s d = 1.30) or paternalistic bosses (Cohen’s d = 0.70). We argue that in addition to effects on the perceived accuracy of information, social influence, conformity, and obedience are crucial and unacknowledged factors of how misinformation may be maintained and propagated by authoritarian leaders.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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