Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention


Pelz Holger,Müller Gero,Keller Micha,Mathiak Klaus,Mayer Johannes,Borik Stefan,Perlitz Volker


AbstractIntermediate (IM) band physiology in skin blood flow exhibits parallels with the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) or cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), controversial concepts of osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF). Owing to inconsistent manual palpation results, validity of evidence of PRM/CRI activity has been questionable. We therefore tried to validate manual palpation combining instrumented tracking and algorithmic objectivation of frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. Using a standard OCF intervention, cranial vault hold (CVH), two OCF experts palpated and digitally marked CRI frequencies in 25 healthy adults. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in low frequency (LF) and IM band in photoplethysmographic (PPG) forehead skin recordings was probed with momentary frequency of highest amplitude (MFHA) and wavelet amplitude spectra (WAS) in examiners and participants. Palpation errors and frequency expectation bias during CVH were analyzed for phases of MFHA and CRI. Palpated CRI frequencies (0.05–0.08 Hz) correlated highly with mean MFHA frequencies with 1:1 ratio in 77% of participants (LF-responders; 0.072 Hz) and with 2:1 ratio in 23% of participants (IM-responders; 0.147 Hz). WAS analysis in both groups revealed integer number (harmonic) waves in (very) low and IM bands in > 98% of palpated intervals. Phase analyses in participants and examiners suggested synchronization between MFHA and CRI in a subset of LF-responders. IM band physiology in forehead PPG may offer a sensible physiological correlate of palpated CRI activity. Possible coordination or synchronization effects with additional physiological signals and between examiners and participants should be investigated in future studies.


HEAD-Genuit-Foundation, Herzogenrath/Germany

Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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