The main pulse of the Siberian Traps expanded in size and composition


Augland L. E.,Ryabov V. V.,Vernikovsky V. A.,Planke S.,Polozov A. G.,Callegaro S.,Jerram D. A.,Svensen H. H.


AbstractEmplacement of large volumes of (sub)volcanic rocks during the main pulse of the Siberian Traps occurred within <1 m.y., coinciding with the end-Permian mass extinction. Volcanics from outside the main Siberian Traps, e.g. Taimyr and West Siberia, have since long been correlated, but existing geochronological data cannot resolve at a precision better than ~5 m.y. whether (sub)volcanic activity in these areas actually occurred during the main pulse or later. We report the first high precision U-Pb zircon geochronology from two alkaline ultramafic-felsic layered intrusive complexes from Taimyr, showing synchronicity between these and the main Siberian Traps (sub)volcanic pulse, and the presence of a second Dinerian-Smithian pulse. This is the first documentation of felsic intrusive magmatism occurring during the main pulse, testifying to the Siberian Trap’s compositional diversity. Furthermore, the intrusions cut basal basalts of the Taimyr lava stratigraphy hence providing a minimum age of these basalts of 251.64 ± 0.11 Ma. Synchronicity of (sub)volcanic activity between Taimyr and the Siberian Traps imply that the total area of the Siberian Traps main pulse should include a ~300 000 km2 area north of Norilsk. The vast aerial extent of the (sub)volcanic activity during the Siberian Traps main pulse may explain the severe environmental consequences.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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