The coral Platygyra verweyi exhibits local adaptation to long-term thermal stress through host-specific physiological and enzymatic response


Wang Jih-Terng,Wang Yi-Ting,Keshavmurthy Shashank,Meng Pei-Jei,Chen Chaolun Allen


Abstract Climate change threatens coral survival by causing coral bleaching, which occurs when the coral’s symbiotic relationship with algal symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) breaks down. Studies on thermal adaptation focus on symbionts because they are accessible both in vitro and in hospite. However, there is little known about the physiological and biochemical response of adult corals (without Symbiodiniaceae) to thermal stress. Here we show acclimatization and/or adaptation potential of menthol-bleached aposymbiotic coral Platygyra verweyi in terms of respiration breakdown temperature (RBT) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) enzyme activity in samples collected from two reef sites with contrasting temperature regimes: a site near a nuclear power plant outlet (NPP-OL, with long-term temperature perturbation) and Wanlitong (WLT) in southern Taiwan. Aposymbiotic P. verweyi from the NPP-OL site had a 3.1 °C higher threshold RBT than those from WLT. In addition, MDH activity in P. verweyi from NPP-OL showed higher thermal resistance than those from WLT by higher optimum temperatures and the activation energy required for inactivating the enzyme by heat. The MDH from NPP-OL also had two times higher residual activity than that from WLT after incubation at 50 °C for 1 h. The results of RBT and thermal properties of MDH in P. verweyi demonstrate potential physiological and enzymatic response to a long-term and regular thermal stress, independent of their Symbiodiniaceae partner.


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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