Early stage black pepper leaf disease prediction based on transfer learning using ConvNets


Kini Anita S.,Prema K. V.,Pai Smitha N.


AbstractPlants get exposed to diseases, insects and fungus. This causes heavy damages to crop resulting in various leaves diseases. Leaf diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage with the aid of a smart computer vision system and timely disease prevention can be targeted. Black pepper is a medicinal plant that is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine because of its therapeutic properties. The proposed work represents an intelligent transfer learning technique through state-of-the-art deep learning implementation using convolutional neural network to predict the presence of prominent diseases in black pepper leaves. The ImageNet dataset available online is used for training deep neural network. Later, this trained network is utilized for the prediction of the newly developed black pepper leaf image dataset. The developed data set consist of real time leaf images, which are candidly taken from the fields and annotated under supervision of an expert. The leaf diseases considered are anthracnose, slow wilt, early stage phytophthora, phytophthora and yellowing. The hyperparameters chosen for tuning in to deep learning models are initial learning rates, optimization algorithm, image batches, epochs, validation and training data, etc. The accuracy obtained with 0.001 learning rate ranges from 99.1 to 99.7% for the Inception V3, GoogleNet, SqueezeNet and Resnet18 models. Proposed Resnet18 model outperforms all model with 99.67% accuracy. The resulting validation accuracy obtained using these models is high and the validation loss is low. This work represents improvement in agriculture and a cutting edge deep neural network method for early stage leaf disease identification and prediction. This is an approach using a deep learning network to predict early stage black pepper leaf diseases.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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