Electronic structure of vertically coupled quantum dot-ring heterostructures under applied electromagnetic probes. A finite-element approach


Mora-Ramos M. E.,Vinasco J. A.,Laroze D.,Radu A.,Restrepo R. L.,Heyn Christian,Tulupenko V.,Hieu Nguyen N.,Phuc Huynh V.,Ojeda J. H.,Morales A. L.,Duque C. A.


AbstractWe theoretically investigate the electron and hole states in a semiconductor quantum dot-quantum ring coupled structure, inspired by the recent experimental report by Elborg and collaborators (2017). The finite element method constitutes the numerical technique used to solve the three-dimensional effective mass equation within the parabolic band approximation, including the effects of externally applied electric and magnetic fields. Initially, the features of conduction electron states in the proposed system appear discussed in detail, under different geometrical configurations and values of the intensity of the aforementioned electromagnetic probes. In the second part, the properties of an electron-hole pair confined within the very kind of structure reported in the reference above are investigated via a model that tries to reproduce as close as possible the developed profile. In accordance, we report on the energies of confined electron and hole, affected by the influence of an external electric field, revealing the possibility of field-induced separate spatial localization, which may result in an indirect exciton configuration. In relation with this fact, we present a preliminary analysis of such phenomenon via the calculation of the Coulomb integral.


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

University of Tarapaca



El Patrimonio Autónomo Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento para la Ciencia, la Tecnologı́a y la Innovación Fran-cisco José de Caldas

Ministry of Science and Education of Ucraine

CODI-Universidad de Antioquia

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales-Universidad de Antioquia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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