Environmental DNA as a tool to reconstruct catch composition for longline fisheries vessels


Green M. E.,Hardesty B. D.,Deagle B. E.,Wilcox C.


AbstractGlobal wild-capture fisheries are a large and diverse sector requiring various tools for fisheries-dependant data collection and effective Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS). Here we present a novel protocol to collect eDNA from brine tanks onboard commercial longline vessels to reconstruct catch composition. We collected samples from nine vessels operating out of the Eastern Tuna Billfish Fishery, Australia, validating eDNA results with reliable catch data consisting of seven target and bycatch species. Environmental DNA was highly effective for detecting species retained on vessels without contamination or false positives. For four vessels, logbook data and eDNA were consistent with detections of all species. The remaining vessels detected all species except for rare catches of short-billed spearfish (Tetrapturus angustirostris). Similarities between rank abundance distributions of catch and eDNA reads were observed with logbook data mirrored when eDNA sequences were organised into rank order abundance. The method was effective at identifying highly abundant taxa retained in brine tanks- tuna (Thunnus spp.), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), marlin (Kajijia audax), and Atlantic Pomfret (Brama brama). Further research is required to validate how eDNA and other molecular monitoring tools can be scaled and applied to provide solutions for monitoring challenges in the fisheries sector.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC








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