Breaking limitation of quantum annealer in solving optimization problems under constraints


Ohzeki Masayuki


AbstractQuantum annealing is a generic solver for optimization problems that uses fictitious quantum fluctuation. The most groundbreaking progress in the research field of quantum annealing is its hardware implementation, i.e., the so-called quantum annealer, using artificial spins. However, the connectivity between the artificial spins is sparse and limited on a special network known as the chimera graph. Several embedding techniques have been proposed, but the number of logical spins, which represents the optimization problems to be solved, is drastically reduced. In particular, an optimization problem including fully or even partly connected spins suffers from low embeddable size on the chimera graph. In the present study, we propose an alternative approach to solve a large-scale optimization problem on the chimera graph via a well-known method in statistical mechanics called the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation or its variants. The proposed method can be used to deal with a fully connected Ising model without embedding on the chimera graph and leads to nontrivial results of the optimization problem. We tested the proposed method with a number of partition problems involving solving linear equations and the traffic flow optimization problem in Sendai and Kyoto cities in Japan.


MEXT | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Next Generation High-Performance Computing Infrastructures and Applications R\&D Program by MEXT


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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