Seasonal and annual changes in the microbial communities of Ofunato Bay, Japan, based on metagenomics


Kobiyama Atsushi,Rashid Jonaira,Reza Md. Shaheed,Ikeda Yuri,Yamada Yuichiro,Kudo Toshiaki,Mizusawa Nanami,Yanagisawa Saki,Ikeda Daisuke,Sato Shigeru,Ogata Takehiko,Ikeo Kazuho,Kaga Shinnosuke,Watanabe Shiho,Naiki Kimiaki,Kaga Yoshimasa,Segawa Satoshi,Tada Yumiko,Musashi Tatsuya,Mineta Katsuhiko,Gojobori Takashi,Watabe Shugo


AbstractFive years of datasets from 2015 to 2019 of whole genome shotgun sequencing for cells trapped on 0.2-µm filters of seawater collected monthly from Ofunato Bay, an enclosed bay in Japan, were analysed, which included the 2015 data that we had reported previously. Nucleotide sequences were determined for extracted DNA from three locations for both the upper (1 m) and deeper (8 or 10 m) depths. The biotic communities analysed at the domain level comprised bacteria, eukaryotes, archaea and viruses. The relative abundance of bacteria was over 60% in most months for the five years. The relative abundance of the SAR86 cluster was highest in the bacterial group, followed by Candidatus Pelagibacter and Planktomarina. The relative abundance of Ca. Pelagibacter showed no relationship with environmental factors, and those of SAR86 and Planktomarina showed positive correlations with salinity and dissolved oxygen, respectively. The bacterial community diversity showed seasonal changes, with high diversity around September and low diversity around January for all five years. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis also revealed that the bacterial communities in the bay were grouped in a season-dependent manner and linked with environmental variables such as seawater temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen.


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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