Nunthanasup Nuntiporn,Ketprasit Nutpakal,Noulsri Egarit,Palasuwan Attakorn,Combes Valery,Kulkeaw Kasem,Palasuwan Duangdao
AbstractThe use of megakaryoblastic leukemia MEG-01 cells can help reveal the mechanisms of thrombopoiesis. However, conventional in vitro activation of platelet release from MEG-01 cells requires thrombopoietin, which is costly. Here, we aim to develop a more straightforward and affordable method. Synchronization of the MEG-01 cells was initially performed using serum-free culture, followed by spontaneous cell differentiation in the presence of serum. Different stages of megakaryoblast differentiation were classified based on cell morphology, DNA content, and cell cycle. The MEG-01 cells released platelet-like particles at a level comparable to that of the thrombopoietin-activated MEG-01 cells. The platelet-like particles were distinguishable from PLP-derived extracellular vesicles and could express P-selectin following ADP activation. Importantly, the platelet-like particles induced fibrin clotting in vitro using platelet-poor plasma. Therefore, this thrombopoietin-independent cell synchronization method is an effective and straightforward method for studying megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis.
National Research Council of Thailand
Thailand Science Research and Innovation Fund of Chulalongkorn University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC