Maranna Shivakumar,Nataraj Vennampally,Kumawat Giriraj,Chandra Subhash,Rajesh Vangala,Ramteke Rajkumar,Patel Ram Manohar,Ratnaparkhe Milind B.,Husain S. M.,Gupta Sanjay,Khandekar Nita
AbstractBreeding for higher yield and wider adaptability are major objectives of soybean crop improvement. In the present study, 68 advanced breeding lines along with seven best checks were evaluated for yield and attributing traits by following group balanced block design. Three blocks were constituted based on the maturity duration of the breeding lines. High genetic variability for the twelve quantitative traits was found within and across the three blocks. Several genotypes were found to outperform check varieties for yield and attributing traits. During the same crop season, one of the promising entries, NRC 128,was evaluated across seven locations for its wider adaptability and it has shown stable performance in Northern plain Zone with > 20% higher yield superiority over best check PS 1347. However, it produced 9.8% yield superiority over best check in Eastern Zone. Screening for waterlogging tolerance under artificial conditions revealed that NRC 128 was on par with the tolerant variety JS 97–52. Based on the yield superiority, wider adaptability and waterlogging tolerance, NRC 128 was released and notified by Central Varietal Release Committee (CVRC) of India, for its cultivation across Eastern and Northern Plain Zones of India.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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