Interleukin-1α links peripheral CaV2.2 channel activation to rapid adaptive increases in heat sensitivity in skin


Salib Anne-Mary N.,Crane Meredith J.,Lee Sang Hun,Wainger Brian J.,Jamieson Amanda M.,Lipscombe Diane


AbstractNeurons have the unique capacity to adapt output in response to changes in their environment. Within seconds, sensory nerve endings can become hypersensitive to stimuli in response to potentially damaging events. The underlying behavioral response is well studied, but several of the key signaling molecules that mediate sensory hypersensitivity remain unknown. We previously discovered that peripheral voltage-gated CaV2.2 channels in nerve endings in skin are essential for the rapid, transient increase in sensitivity to heat, but not to mechanical stimuli, that accompanies intradermal capsaicin. Here we report that the cytokine interleukin-1α (IL-1α), an alarmin, is necessary and sufficient to trigger rapid heat and mechanical hypersensitivity in skin. Of 20 cytokines screened, only IL-1α was consistently detected in hind paw interstitial fluid in response to intradermal capsaicin and, similar to behavioral sensitivity to heat, IL-1α levels were also dependent on peripheral CaV2.2 channel activity. Neutralizing IL-1α in skin significantly reduced capsaicin-induced changes in hind paw sensitivity to radiant heat and mechanical stimulation. Intradermal IL-1α enhances behavioral responses to stimuli and, in culture, IL-1α enhances the responsiveness of Trpv1-expressing sensory neurons. Together, our data suggest that IL-1α is the key cytokine that underlies rapid and reversible neuroinflammatory responses in skin.


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Carney Innovation Award

National Institute on Aging


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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