Pressure distribution on a flat plate in the context of the phenomenon of the Coanda effect hysteresis


Skotnicka-Siepsiak Aldona


AbstractAs a result of the Coanda effect, a symmetrical free jet will flow as an asymmetrical wall jet. At the same time, at the obstacle along which the flow is observed, the wall jet generates pressure distribution. In this study, the obstacle located at the diffuser outlet is a flat plate with a variable inclination angle. The article presents results of the study on pressure distributions on a flat plate with a variable angle of inclination. In the experiment, the Reynolds number ranged from 16,192 to 42,240. A fixed geometry diffuser (Witoszyński nozzle) with a height of 0.60 m, width of 0.02 m and outlet velocity of 11.33–29.57 m/s was used. A plate with a length of 1.00 m and a variable inclination angle was installed at the diffuser outlet. What is new, however, is that the presented results of the experimental research include the influence of the Coanda effect hysteresis on the pressure distribution on the plate. The article shows how pressure distributions change on the plate depending on whether the initial angle of inclination was 0° and was increased gradually in the course of the experiment until a detachment of the jet flowing from the plate was observed, or the initial angle of inclination was close to 90° in the primal state and as the angle of the plate inclination was decreased, the jet flowing towards the plate reached the state of attachment to the plate surface. The study demonstrated that for a turbulent jet, pressure distribution on a flat plate is determined not only by the plate’s inclination angle, but also by the direction of its rotation.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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