1. Pew Research Center Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/?menuItem=45b45364-d5e4-4f53-bf01-b77106560d4c.
2. Nabity-Grover T, Cheung CMK, Thatcher JB. Inside out and outside in: How the COVID-19 pandemic affects self-disclosure on social media. Int J Inf Manag. 2020;55:102188.
3. Wiederhold BK. Social media use during social distancing. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2020;23:275–6.
4. The Social Life of Health Information: Pew Research Center; Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/01/15/the-social-life-of-health-information/.
5. Americans who primarily get news through social media are least likely to follow COVID-19 coverage, most likely to report seeing made-up news: Pews Research Center; Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2020/03/25/americans-who-primarily-get-news-through-social-media-are-least-likely-to-follow-covid-19-coverage-most-likely-to-report-seeing-made-up-news/.