Climate warriors down under: Contextualising Australia’s youth climate justice movement


Hohenhaus M.ORCID,Rutherford S.,Boddy J.,Borkoles E.ORCID


AbstractThis perspective brings together published peer reviewed primary research on youth climate activism in Australia and provides context of the political and social landscapes in which young people are taking climate action. As the generation most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, young people all over the world have mobilised to drive a climate justice narrative to the fore of the climate movement. Climate justice framing will be applied to contextualise youth climate activism in Australia. This perspective also addresses the context-specific challenges faced by youth, including the media’s role in shaping public perceptions and, anti-protest laws that restrict the right to protest. Finally, this perspective highlights the opportunities for how to support youth climate activism in the future.


OA Agreement Griffith University

Climate Action Beacon


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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