1. Driesch, H., Z. wiss. Zool., 53, 60 (1891).
2. Grobstein, C., and Zwilling, E., J. Exp. Zool., 122, 259 (1953). See also Grobstein, C., ibid., 120, 437 (1952).
3. Coman, D. R., Cancer Res., 4, 625 (1944). See also, for plant tumours, White, P. R., Quart. Rev. Biol., 26, 1 (1951).
4. Ambrose, E. J., James, A. M., and Lowick, J. B., Nature, 177, 576 (1956). See also Abercrombie, M., and Ambrose, E. J., Exp. Cell. Res., 15, 332 (1958).
5. Waddington, C. H., “Principles of Embryology” (Allen and Unwin, London, 1956).