1. Bell, A. W., Science, 129, 1278 (1959).
2. Dougherty, E. C., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 77, 27 (1959).
3. Dougherty, E. C., in Nematology, Fundamentals and Recent Advances with Emphasis on Plant Parasitic and Soil Forms, edit. by Sasser, J. N., and Jenkins, W. R., 297 (Univ. North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1960).
4. Dougherty, E. C., and Solberg, B., Nature, 186, 1067 (1960).
5. Dougherty, E. C., Solberg, B., and Ferral, D. J., Anat. Rec., 138, 344 (1960); Experientia, 17, 131 (1961).