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2. Gorrol AH, Morrison G, Bass EB, Platt R, Whelan A. Core Medicine Clerkship Curriculum Guide. A Cooperative Project of the Society of General Internal Medicine and the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Health Resources and Services Administration, 1998. The Guide is also available at www.sgim.org.
3. Jablonover RS, Blackman DJ, Bass EB, Morrison G, Goroll AH. Evaluation of a national curriculum reform effort for the medicine core clerkship. J Gen Intern Med. 2000;15:484–90.
4. Goroll AH, Morrison G, Bass EB, et al. Reforming the core curriculum in internal medicine: the SGIM/CDIM project. Ann Intern Med. 2001;134:30–7.
5. Varner KS, ed. AAMC Curriculum Directory 1998–1999. 27th Ed. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 1998.