1. 1 Health and Welfare Statistics Association . Health state of the nation, Annual report. Tokyo: Kosei Tokei Kyokai. (in Japanese); 1999 .
2. 3 Ministry of Health and Welfare .Study for future physician services requirement; final report of the MHW study committee. Tokyo: Nihon Iji Shinpou-sha. (in Japanese); 1986 .
3. 4 Department of Health Policy, Ministry of Health and Welfare .The report of the special working committee for study on the future balance between supply and demand of physicians. Tokyo: Ministry of Health and Welfare. (in Japanese); 1998 .
4. 5 Statistics Information Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare .Survey of physicians, dentists and pharmacists 1996. Tokyo: Kosei Tokei Kyokai (in Japanese); 1998 .