1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute” (FSUE “NAMI”)
Introduction (problem statement and relevance). This work is devoted to the peculiarities of developing and building a general diagnostic structure for the domestic vehicles, the requirements for it and the description of the necessary diagnostic services in the process of its implementing. The purpose of the work was to develop domestic software diagnostic system for the wheeled vehicles and their environment to meet the international standards of the Unified Diagnostic Services protocol according to ISO 14229 and could implement various diagnostic services.Methodology and research methods. The basic requirements and specifications of the CAN bus (ISO 15765) and the UDS protocol (ISO 14229) were described. The developed system was implemented in the Python programming environment, with the algorithm, logic of the application and the directly received data were considered and sent to the CAN data bus during the reading procedure at the address.Scientifi c novelty and results. To diagnose vehicle malfunctions the principles of testing and validating software as part of the electronic control units equipment structure of a wheeled vehicle and necessary to complete the development and implementation of the diagnostic system software in real operating conditions were suggested. The principles of carrying out software tests, as well as the documentation data and analysis of the results obtained were described, together with the formulated conclusions on the work.Practical significance. The paper presents the diagnostic software development results and their implementation in production to meet the requirements of ISO 14229 and ISO 15765. The software is designed to improve the efficiency of the production process to detect and localize vehicle malfunctions during their maintenance work in a service center.
FSUE Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute (FSUE NAMI)
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