Comprehensive studies of vibroacoustic characteristics of transport and technological vehicles, appliances and facilities by the example of a motor vehicle


Rakhmatov R. I.1,Likeev A. P.1


1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute” (FSUE “NAMI”)


Introduction (problem statement and relevance). The article shows experimental studies of vehicle vibroacoustic (NVH) characteristics focused on identification of oscillation sources and their contribution to noise and vibration measured in the reference points within the vehicle, as well as analyzes the oscillation propagation paths.The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improvement of vibroacoustic characteristics of transport and technological vehicles, appliances and facilities by the example of a vehicle based on studies of oscillation sources and their contribution to noise and vibration measured in the reference points within the vehicle, and oscillation propagation paths.Methodology and research methods. Vehicle vibroacoustic characteristics study. Determination of oscillation sources and their contribution to noise and vibration measured in the reference points inside the vehicle. Oscillation transfer paths study.Scientific novelty and results. The result of the studies is the recommendations developed to improve vehicle vibroacoustic characteristics and the developed algorithm allowing conducting comprehensive studies of vehicle vibroacoustic characteristics. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive studies of vehicle vibroacoustic characteristics based on the studies of vehicle internal noise and vibrations in operating modes, overall noise and vibration level analysis, as well as studies of the transfer functions from the oscillation sources to the reference points, the paths of propagation of oscillations from the sources to the reference points and analysis of the developed modal chart of the vehicle.Practical significance. The vibroacoustic studies algorithm has been developed, according to which comprehensive studies of vibroacoustic characteristics of transport and technological vehicles, appliances and facilities are performed by the example of a motor vehicle. The research results can be used in scientific, research, educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises specializing in development and production of motor vehicles as well as in studies of vehicle vibroacoustic characteristics.


FSUE Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute (FSUE NAMI)

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