Obukhov Artem,Dedov Denis,Teselkin Daniil,Volkov Andrey,Nazarova Alexandra
The article discusses the task of predicting human speed using neural network technologies and computer vision to minimize lags in treadmill control systems, which pose a health risk to the user. To solve this problem, a stress-free algorithm has been developed, including: predicting the position and speed of the user on the treadmill; calculating the treadmill speed based on the analysis of the user's position and movement characteristics; data collection and processing schemes for training neural network methods; and determining the necessary number of predicted frames to eliminate lags. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a treadmill control algorithm that combines: computer vision technologies for recognizing the user's body model on the platform; neural networks; and machine learning methods to determine the final human speed based on combining data on the person's position in the frame and the current and predicted speed of the person. The proposed algorithm is implemented using Python libraries, and its validation was conducted during experimental studies analyzing the preceding 10 and 15 frames to predict the next 10 and 15 frames. Comparing machine learning algorithms (linear regression, decision tree, random forest, multilayer, convolutional, and recurrent neural networks) at different lengths of analyzed and predicted frames, the RandomForestRegressor algorithm showed the best accuracy in predicting position, while dense multilayer neural networks performed best in determining current speed. Experimental research has been conducted on applying the developed algorithm and models to determine human speed (achieving accuracy when forecasting in the range of 10-15 frames) as well as integrating them into treadmill control systems. Trials have shown the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the correctness of system operation under real conditions. The developed algorithm allows for not using noise-sensitive sensors that require attachment to the user's body but rather forecasting user actions through analyzing all points of the person's body to reduce lags in various human-machine systems.