1. World Health Organization. UHC Service Coverage Index (SDG 3.8.1). accessed on July 16, 2023. Available at: https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/uhc-index-of-service-coverage
2. Free and universal access to primary healthcare in Mongolia: the service availability and readiness assessment
3. Center for Health Development, Mongolia. Health indicators 2021. accessed on July 10, 2023. Available at: http://hdc.gov.mn/media/uploads/2022-09/2021.pdf
4. National Statistics Office, National Statistical Information Service. Health indicators. accessed on July 3, 2023. Available at: https://www.1212.mn/mn/statistic/data-visualisation/dashboard/35928901
5. Center for Health Development, Mongolia. Health indicators 2020. accessed on July 10, 2023. Available at: http://hdc.gov.mn/media/uploads/2022-05/health_indicator_2020_ENG.pdf