1. Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense, Denmark
2. VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology, VIB, Ghent 9052, Belgium
3. Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent 9052, Belgium
4. MSAID Gmbh, Berlin 10559, Germany
5. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Charleston, South Carolina 29412, United States
6. Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
7. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Trust
Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
8. MSAID GmbH, Garching b. Munich 85748, Germany
9. Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States