1. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Babeş-Bolyai University, 11 Arany Janos Street, 400028 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2. Supramolecular Organic and Organometallic Chemistry Centre (SOOMCC), 11 Arany Janos Street, 400028 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3. Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, IBMM, University of Montpellier, ENSCM, CNRS, 15 Avenue Charles Flahault BP 14 491, 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
4. Research Centre of Applied Organic Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, 050663 Bucharest, Romania
5. “C. D. Nenitzescu” Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 060023 Bucharest, Romania