Structure−Property Relationships of Polyselenoethers [−(CH2)ySe−]x (y = 1, 2, and 3) and Related Polyethers and Polysulfides


Sasanuma Yuji1,Watanabe Akinori1,Tamura Kenta1


1. Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan


American Chemical Society (ACS)


Materials Chemistry,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Reference76 articles.

1. For example, we guess the following future. A scientist sits before a computer terminal to specify some structures, physical properties, and/or functions and search for the candidate polymers. The computer shows a list of the fitted polymers on the display. The selection is based on theoretical computations for existent and nonexistent polymers as well as database on existent polymers; therefore, the list includes nonexistent polymers. If the scientist chooses one of them, the computer returns detailed information on the synthetic routes, costs, toxicity, etc. If a synthetic method is indicated, the computer transmits the data to an automatic polymer synthesizer. On the next morning, he or she will find the polymer precipitated in a flask placed inside the synthesizer.

2. Conformational Characteristics and Configurational Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide-alt-ethylene sulfide)

3. Conformational Characteristics and Configurational Properties of Poly(ethylene imine-alt-ethylene sulfide) and the Role of the Secondary Amine Group as a Junction of Attractive Interactions

4. Conformational Analysis of Poly(methylene sulfide) and Its Oligomeric Model Compounds:  Anomeric Effect and Electron Flexibility of Polythioacetal

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