1. For reviews see the following. (a) Ley, S. V.; Baxendale, I. R.; Bream, R. N.; Jackson, P. S.; Leach, A. G.; Longbottom, D. A.; Nesi, M.; Scott, J. S.; Storer, R. I.; Taylor, S. J.J. Chem. Soc.,Perkin Trans. 12000, 3815 (a review with 1500 references on solid-supported reagents and scavengers). (b) Flynn, D. L.; Devraj, R. V.; Parlow, J. J.Curr. Opin. Drug DiscoveryDev.1998,1, 41. (c) Weller, H. N.Mol. Diversity1999,4, 47. (d) Ferritto, R.; Sensci, P. Drugs Future1998,23, 643. (e) An, H. Y.; Cook, P. D.Chem. Rev.2000,100, 3311.
2. Generation of targeted C2-symmetrical compound libraries by solution-phase combinatorial chemistry
3. Generalized Dipeptidomimetic Template: Solution Phase Parallel Synthesis of Combinatorial Libraries
4. Novel Solution Phase Strategy for the Synthesis of Chemical Libraries Containing Small Organic Molecules
5. Higher order iminodiacetic acid libraries for probing protein–protein interactions