1. Tomato News. Worldwide consumption of tomato products 2018/2019, http://www.tomatonews.com/en/worldwide-consumption-of-tomato-products-20182019-part-1_2_994.html (accessed: August, 2021).
2. The Tomato As a Functional Food
3. BMEL (Federal Ministry of Food
and Agriculture, Germany). Pro-Kopf-Konsum
von Gemüse in Deutschland nach Art in den Jahren 2017/18 bis
2019/20; Statista 2021. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/318586/umfrage/pro-kopf-konsum-von-gemuese-in-deutschland-nach-art/ (accessed: August, 2021)
4. Antioxidative properties of lycopene and other carotenoids from tomatoes: Synergistic effects
5. Tomato juice consumption reduces systemic inflammation in overweight and obese females