Characterization of Shifts of the Cellular Component the Immune Status of Patients with Long-Term Course of Chronic Post-Traumatic Uveitis


Balatskaya N. V.1,Filatova I. A.1,Kulikova I. G.1,Denisyuk V. O.1,Mohammad I. M.1


1. Helmholtz National Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases


Purpose: to study the subpopulation composition of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with long — term chronic post-traumatic uveitis (CPT).Patients and Methods. There were 131 people aged 17 to 87 years, who received the surgical treatment in the Department of plastic surgery and eye prosthetics in NMITS eye diseases Helmholtz of the Ministry of health, Russia, where the removal of the eyeball by evisceration was carried out in 101 patients (70.3 %), 30 patients (29.7 % of cases) were enucleated. The study identified two groups: the Ist group– with the outcome of the injury, including non-penetrating (n = 46) and penetrating wounds (n = 51) of the eyes, were 97 patients; group II included 34 patients with complications due to single (n = 8) or repeated (n = 26) ophthalmic surgery (development of glaucoma and retinal detachment).Results. When analyzing the mean values, we found a decrease in the relative number of CD3+ CD4+ helpers/inducers in the blood of patients of both groups (up to 43.5 ± 0.81 and 42.19 ± 1.29 % versus 45.7 ± 1.19 % in the control), statistically confirmed for the 2nd group. Individual analysis revealed multidirectional shifts from the norm of cellular immune status of patients with PU in both groups. The most interesting, in our opinion, results were obtained by analyzing the relative number of effector cytotoxic cells of adaptive and nonspecific immunity. The increase in the relative content of t-cytotoxic lymphocytes CD3+ /CD8+ and NK-lymphocytes CD16+ /CD56+ was revealed with the same frequency, approximately in 18.5 and 19.5 % of cases in the PU group at the outcome of injury, in the 2nd group the increased number of these subpopulations was observed more often, amounting to 23.5 and 20.5 %, respectively.Conclusions. The results of the study on a large clinical material indicate that in long-term CPTU there is a pronounced systemic imbalance in the immunoregulatory subpopulations of lymphocytes, revealed by individual analysis in groups of patients.


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna



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