IX. The development of the skull of the shrew



The student of the mammalian chondrocranium, the existing knowledge of which has recently so excellently been summed up by Matthes (1921 b , 1922), cannot but be surprised at the fact that a mammal so interesting and easily available as the shrew has not yet been thoroughly studied by modern methods. Of Parker’s magnificent pioneer work (1885) it is unnecessary to speak; the only other investigator who has turned his attention to the shrew is Levi (1909), who did not, however, make a model of it, and Ärnbäck Christie-Linde (1907), who studied certain special points only. The present work was done in the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy of the Oxford University Museum, on a number of embryos of Sorex araneus , which I owe to the generosity of my friend Mr. C. S. Elton, to whom my thanks are here extended. These embryos were cut into series of sections, and one of these, of an embryo 11 mm. in length, was reconstructed into a blotting-paper—wax model, at a magnification of 80 diameters. In the construction of this model I enjoyed the assistance of Mr. J. H. Beal, which help is hereby gratefully acknowledged. To my wife I am greatly indebted for the preparation of the Plates illustrating the model for publication. Lastly, I take great pleasure in recording my debt to Prof. Goodrich for his constant interest and encouragement in this and kindred work.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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