Through an animal’s eye: the implications of diverse sensory systems in scientific experimentation


Brebner Joanna S.1ORCID,Loconsole Maria23ORCID,Hanley Daniel4ORCID,Vasas Vera5ORCID


1. Research Centre on Animal Cognition (CRCA), Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI); CNRS, University Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III , Toulouse, France

2. School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London , London, UK

3. Department of General Psychology, University of Padova , Padova, Italy

4. Department of Biology, George Mason University , Fairfax, VA, USA

5. School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex , Brighton BN1 9RH, UK


‘Accounting for the sensory abilities of animals is critical in experimental design.’ No researcher would disagree with this statement, yet it is often the case that we inadvertently fall for anthropocentric biases and use ourselves as the reference point. This paper discusses the risks of adopting an anthropocentric view when working with non-human animals, and the unintended consequences this has on our experimental designs and results. To this aim, we provide general examples of anthropocentric bias from different fields of animal research, with a particular focus on animal cognition and behaviour, and lay out the potential consequences of adopting a human-based perspective. Knowledge of the sensory abilities, both in terms of similarities to humans and peculiarities of the investigated species, is crucial to ensure solid conclusions. A more careful consideration of the diverse sensory systems of animals would improve many scientific fields and enhance animal welfare in the laboratory.


Fondation Fyssen

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

George Mason University

National Geographic Society



The Royal Society







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