1. Anon. 1957. D. N. W adia: a biographical sketch. J . Palaeont. Soc. India 2 [D. N. W adia Jubilee Number] 2-8 [with portrait].
2. Anon. 1957. Felicitations to Dr D. N. Wadia F.R.S. J l geol. M in. metall. Soc. India 29 (4) 231-233 [with portraits].
3. Fermor L. L. 1922. General Report of the Geological Survey of India for the year 1921. Rec. geol. Surv. India 54 (1) 1-67.
4. Fermor L. L. 1932. General Report of the Geological Survey of India for the year 1931. Rec. geol. Surv. India 66 (1) 1-150.
5. Fernando L. J . D. 1954. Progress of the Geological Survey of Ceylon. Bull. Ceylon geogr. Soc. 8 (1 and 2) 1-10.