VI. On the liquefaction and solidification of bodies generally existing as gases



The experiments formerly made on the liquefaction of gases*, and the results which from time to time have been added to this branch of knowledge, especially by M.Thilorier, have left a constant desire on my mind to renew the investigation. This, with considerations arising out of the apparent simplicity and unity of the molecular constitution of all bodies when in the gaseous or vaporous state, which may be expected, according to the indications given by the experiments of M. Cagniard de la Tour, to pass by some simple law into their liquid state, and also the hope of seeing nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, either as liquid or solid bodies, and the latter probably as a metal, have lately induced me to make many experiments on the subject; and though my success has not been equal to my desire, still I hope some of the results obtained, and the means of obtaining them, may have an interest for the Royal Society; more especially as the application of the latter maybe carried much further than I as yet have had opportunity of applying them.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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