Active nitrogen of long duration, law of decay, and of increased brightness on compression



1-Active Nitrogen-Influence of Vessel Walls on the Duration The length of time for which the afterglow associated with active nitrogen remains perceptible varies very greatly under different experimental conditions; and, what is more important, if we start from a given luminosity per cc of the gas, the integrated amount of light emitted before the luminosity sinks to zero varies also. This is connected with the fact that the walls of the certain gaseous impurities may have an unfavourable effect. In other words, the active nitrogen may go out of existence either by a luminous or a non-luminous reaction. If it is desired to study the homogeneous luminous reaction, then it becomes important to eliminate the other as far as possible. So far as I am aware, no systematic attempt has ever been made to do this, though many writers have referred to the subject. The electrodelss ring discharge at low pressures is suited for the production of active nitrogen, and it has the advantage that no metal electrodes need be introduced. An oxidized copper surface, even of very small area, immediately destroys the afterglow when introduced into it, and a clean (freshly formed) mercury surface is attacked with formation of nitride. In view of these facts it seemed best to avoid metal, though more information would be desirable.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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3. Afterglows;Reports on Progress in Physics;1973-10-01

4. The mechanism of vacuum ultraviolet emission from the Lewis-Rayleigh nitrogen afterglow;Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer;1972-12

5. The Chemical Behavior of Active Nitrogen;Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English;1970-03







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