The theory of crystal rectifiers



It has long been known that the contact between a metal and a semiconductor has a resistance which varies, in many cases considerably, with the direction of the current. A well-known example is the copper-cuprous oxide rectifier, which consists of a copper plate on which a layer of cuprous oxide has been formed, the oxide being in contact with a lead plate. It is the purpose of this paper to criticize existing theories of this effect and to suggest a new one. In any crystal rectifier we have two contacts to consider; for instance, in the copper-oxide rectifier there is the contact between the copper and the oxide, and that between the oxide and the lead. We may say at once that a condition for rectification is that at least one of these contacts shall have a resistance which is not small compared with the resistance of the oxide layer; for any theory will give, in the limit of small voltages across the contact, equal resistances in both directions; it is necessary that a significant part of the fall in potential in the rectifier should occur at the contact.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference7 articles.

1. Davydov 1938 Tech. Phys.

2. Engelhardt 1933 U.S.S.R.5 87.

3. A nn.Phys. Lpz. 17 501.

4. Fowler 1936 Statistical mechanics. Camb. Univ. Press.

5. Frenkel and Joffe 1932 Phys.

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