Documenting plant diversity: unfinished business


Crane Peter R.1


1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK


The exploration of global plant diversity has made great progress towards documenting most species on the planet, and the economic benefits of this have been enormous. Linnaeus concluded that ‘the number of plants in the whole world is much less than commonly believed, I ascertained by fairly safe calculation it hardly reaches 10 000’ (Linnaeus 1753, p. 4). The most recent estimates, crude as they are, place the total number of plant species at ca . 420 000 (Govaerts 2001; Bramwell 2002). But despite evident progress with both the exploration of plant genomes and the exploration of plant diversity, there is still much to be done. In both areas of our science, further basic underpinning documentation is fundamental to our ability to make progress in the future.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference10 articles.

1. How many plant species are there;Bramwell D.;Pl. Talk,2002

2. CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) 2003 Global strategy for plant conservation. Montreal Quebec: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

3. Darwin C. 1881 Letter: to my executors and other children (held in Darwin Archive Cambridge University Library DAR 161:80). Transcription personal communication. Cambridge: Charles Darwin Correspondence Project. See

4. Frodin D. & Govaerts R. 1996 World checklist and bibliography of Magnoliaceae. Kew UK: Royal Botanic Gardens.

5. How many species of seed plants are there?

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