It is shown for all graphs of the ‘strip approximation’ that the
->3n decay amplitude obeys a Mandelstam double-dispersion relation. The double spectral function turns out to be complex and covers the whole physical domain, so that the Cini-Fubini approximation is no longer valid. Essential singularities are found on the border of the physical sheet. Double-dispersion relations in one energy and in the
mass are also derived.
Reference14 articles.
1. Barton G. & Kacser C. 1961 Nuovo
2. Bonnevay G. i960 Proo. Annu. Cim 21 593.
3. Conf.High En. Phys. Rochester.
4. Bonnevay G. Aitchison I. & Dowker S. 1961 Nuovo Cim. 21 1001.
Cited by
9 articles.