Cell communication by periodic cyclic-AMP pulses



At the surface of aggregating cells of the slime mould, Dictyostelium discoideum , two different sites interacting with extracellular cAMP are detectable: binding sites and cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Both sites are developmentally regulated. An adequate stimulus for the chemoreceptor system in D. discoideum is the change of cAMP concentration in time, rather than concentration per se : long-term binding of cAMP causes only a short-term response. The system is, consequently, adapted to the recognition of pulses rather than to steady-state concentrations of cAMP. The cells are, nevertheless, able to sense stationary spatial gradients and to respond to them by chemotactic orientation. The possibility is discussed that they do so by transforming spatial concentration changes into temporal ones, using extending pseudopods as sensors. The cAMP recognition system is part of a molecular network involved in the generation of spatio-temporal patterns of cellular activities. This system controls the periodic formation of chemotactic signals and their propagation from cell to cell. The phosphodiesterase limits the duration of the cAMP pulses and thus sharply separates the periods of signalling; the binding sites at the cell surface are supposed to be the chemoreceptors. The control of cellular activities via cAMP receptors can be studied with biochemical techniques with cell suspensions in which spatial inhomogeneities are suppressed by intense stirring, whereas the temporal aspect of the spatiotemporal pattern is preserved. Under these conditions it can be shown that the extracellular cAMP concentration changes periodically, and that the phase of the cellular oscillator can be shifted by external pulses of cAMP. It can also be shown that small cAMP pulses induce a high output of cAMP, which demonstrates signal amplification, a function necessary for a cellular relay system.


The Royal Society


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Business, Management and Accounting,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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