A derivation of the dispersion relations for the inelastic process in which one meson is scattered on a nucleon into several mesons is presented. The case of two outgoing mesons is treated rigorously and in detail. The method used is based on that of Bogolyubov, Medvedev & Polivanov (1956) for non-forward elastic scattering, and a mathematical theorem assumed here is a generalization of a theorem stated by them.
Reference7 articles.
1. Bochner S. & Martin W . T. 1948 Several complex variables chap. 4. Princeton Universit Press.
2. Bogolyubov N . N . M edvedev B . V. & Polivanov M. K . 1956 U npublished lecture note issued in translation b y th e In stitu te for Advanced Study Princeton.*
3. Bogolyubov N . N . & Parasyuk O. S. 1956 Dokl. Akad. N auk. 109 717.
4. Bogolyubov N . N . & Shirkov D . V. 1955 Uspekhi Fiz. N auk 55 149 164.
5. Dispersion Relations for Finite Momentum-Transfer Pion-Nucleon Scattering
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12 articles.