Developing Learning Module for Equalizing the Competence of Students in 1st Piano Minor Course at Jakarta Institute of the Arts


Kusumaningsih Endang1,Nadiroh 2,Ibrahim Nurdin3


1. Teknologi Pendidikan/Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia; Program Studi Musik, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Institut Kesenian Jakarta, Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia

2. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial/Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia

3. Teknologi Pendidikan/Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia


Produce a learning module with video was the main aim of this study for equalizing of piano minor 1 subject’s student competence at the music department Jakarta Institute of Arts. This study also to get the empire data of the effective, efficient, interesting and productive. It was the research and development type of research. There were 3 stages which are a pre-development, development and application. The process comprised validation, evaluation, revision and trial, data collection and analysis for achieving the product. The number of the respondent of this survey were 23 which comprised of 4 validators, 3 senior students for a one-to-one test, 6 senior students, and 10 students for sample who followed the piano minor 1 class for improving the product. Analysis of the data using qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative data is contained of correction, critic, suggestion and inputs from the subject experts such as the expert of design instructional, piano minor learning, language and media. Quantitative data is hypothesis comparative data between pre-test and posttest. The product of the research is the module learning of piano minor 1 contains 5 subjects, namely: the utilization of piano; body position, and posture when play piano; notation reading; technic of playing the piano; expression of playing the piano. The module is completed by guidelines for student and lecturer. The result of this research showed that a piano minor 1 learning module is suitable for students. The module is effective, efficient, productive and interesting that can equalize the competence of students.


American Scientific Publishers


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Computational Mathematics,Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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