1. ACT OF LAW 247/1995 Coll., on elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
2. ACT OF LAW 37/2002 COLL., Act amending Act of Law 247/1995 Coll., on elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
3. ACT OF LAW 189/2021 COLL., Act amending Act of Law 247/1995 Coll., on elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
4. ANTOŠ, Marek (2008). Principy voleb v České republice. Prague: Linde.
5. ANTOŠ, Marek; HORÁK, Filip (2021). Proportionality Means Proportionality: Czech Constitutional Court, 2 February 2021, Pl. ÚS 44/17.