Re-hackling flax before spinning


Ekstedt Bjersing Marie


Flax is a traditional plant used to make textiles. Flax, like all natural fibres, is a material with variations. Knowledge of a crafting process can be obtained by studying artefacts and all available documentation and by being present in a craft tradition and society of spinning. A craftsperson will make many small decisions during their work. How do we gain knowledge about handling materials, and how do we preserve the intangible skills relevant to a craft? This performance article aims to make visible specific knowledge of material, tools and working methods for re-hackling flax. The text and performance illustrate the perspective of a reflecting craftsperson. By asking questions about the work process, critical decisions regarding crafts will be highlighted. This approach will help preserve and transmit craft skills within flax processing.


OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University


Urban Studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts

Reference31 articles.

1. Adelberth, E. (1933). Linhantering från frösådden till vävstolen, några bilder med text och erinringar [Flax processing, from the sowing to the loom, a few pictures with text and memories]. Sveriges Allmänna Linodlingsförenings Skriftserie.

2. Almevik, G., Jarefjäll, P., & Samuelsson, O. (2013). Tacit record. Augmented documentation method to access traditional blacksmith skills. In H. Gottlieb (Ed.), Beyond control. The collaborative museum and its challenges (pp. 143–159). NODEM (Nordic Organization for Digital Excellence in Museums).

3. Anderson, E. (2021). Om lin [About flax]. Hemslöjdens förlag.

4. Baines, P. (1989). Linen: hand spinning and weaving. Batsford.

5. Bennet, S. (1738). Directeuren Stephen Bennets Berättelse om lins planterande, beredande spinning, wäfnad och öfriga tilberedning, til allmän nytta genom trycket utgifwen år 1738 [Director Stephen Bennett's account of flax cultivation, preparation, spinning, weaving, and other processes. Published in 1738 for public benefit through printing]. Merckell.







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