A clinical case of the debut of pemphigus foliaceus against the background of vaccination against coronavirus infection (COVID-19)


Martynov Andrey A.ORCID,Vlasova Anna V.ORCID,Svishchenko Svetlana I.ORCID


The article describes the onset of pemphigus foliaceus against the background of vaccination with the combined vector vaccine "Gam-COVID-Vac" ("Sputnik V"). A feature of this clinical case is the duration of the period from the moment of development of the first symptoms of the disease to clinical and immunohistochemical confirmation of the diagnosis, which, in fact, indicates a low availability of specialized medical care for rare dermatoses. In particular, the waiting period for taking material for histological examination lasted for several months, which, in fact, is not an isolated case. At the same time, against the background of an increase in clinical symptoms, this became an additional factor in the patient's self-referral to a specialized federal state medical institution, where, within two weeks, the diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis methods and inpatient treatment was carried out with a pronounced positive effect. In addition, the analysis of the medical care provided to the patient showed insufficient alertness and the level of training of dermatovenereologists in diagnosing rare dermatoses accompanied by blistering rashes. In particular, the patient initially underwent several courses of antifungal therapy in combination with intravenous infusion of systemic glucocorticosteroids. The article also presents an analysis of the frequency of occurrence of this disease in different countries for more than 100 years.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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