Immune and genetic mechanisms of infertility andreproductive function disorders associated with humanurogenital chlamydial infection


Plakhova K I,Rakhmatulina M R,Frigo N V,Galimov A R,Volkov I A,Vasil'eva E L,Plakhova K I,Rakhmatulina M R,Frigo N V,Galimov A R,Volkov I A,Vasiliyeva Ye L


This review covers current concepts of immune and genetic mechanisms of infertility associated with human urogenital chlamydial infection. It describes studies of individual polymorphisms of genes coding cytokines and other immune system mediators. It also presents the results of studies aimed at searching for genetic predisposition to the development of complications resulting in human reproductive function disorders caused by past urogenital chlamydial infections.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov

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