New Record of the Subgenus <i>Copris (Paracopris)</i> Balthasar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae: Scarabaeinae) from Northern Western Ghats with an Updated Checklist of Subgenus <i>Paracopris</i>


Jagdale Pranil,Bhurbude Hiraman,Magdum Sujata


Copris is a genus of dung beetles that belongs to the subfamily Scarabaeinae. It comprises more than 250 tunnelling species with worldwide distribution. The subgenus Paracopris has 24 species, 13 of which are reported from India. The present report is the first record of the species Copris (Paracopris) davisoni Waterhouse, 1891 from the Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. For the first time, male genitalia photos of the species are included in the morphological redescription. Additionally, a current checklist for the Indian Copris genus (Paracopris) is provided.


The Entomological Society of India

Reference12 articles.

1. Arrow G J. 1931. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera Lamellicornia Part III, (Coprinae). Taylor & Francis, London. Vol. 12: 1-428.

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