Study of declination methods while forming the appearance of the surface-to-air unmanned aerial vehicle with a vertical start


Vindeker A. V.1


1. Dolgoprudny Research and Production Enterprise; Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The problem of choosing a rational declination system from alternative variants at the stage of forming the appearance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a vertical launch is considered. Currently, the vertical launch is becoming more widely used for surface-to-air unmanned aerial vehicles, which are considered in this paper. A characteristic initial part of the trajectory of such unmanned aerial vehicles is the declination to the required angular position over a short period of time. The UAV declination process requires the generation of relatively large control moments. Declination of surface-to-air UAVs is implemented by means of moment gas-dynamic control with two main methods – by using the thrust vector control system of the UAV main jet engine or by using special additional gas-dynamic devices. The alternative variants of declination systems for solving the problem under consideration are:– a thrust vector control system with gas rudders installed in the UAV engine nozzle or just behind its cut-off on special pylons;– a pulse propulsion system that creates the UAV declination moment by means of jets of micro-thrusters, which are activated by a special algorithm.In the comparative analysis of declination systems, the criterion for choosing the correct method of declination was the actual near border of the affected zone. The mass minimum of the projected UAV is accepted as the criterion for choosing a rational variant of the declination system. The main relations for calculating the main design parameters of the considered declination systems are given. The appearance parameters of the hypothetical surface-to-air UAV of medium range with alternative declination systems were calculated. A comparative analysis of the results obtained was carried out.


Moscow State Institute of Civil Aviation


General Medicine

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