1. The Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
A feature of modern heavy transport aircraft is their layout with engines on elastic pylons under the wing, with the fuel tanks located in the wing consoles. In this case, the main elastic tones of the aircraft’s own oscillations, which determine its dynamic response to external disturbing influences, include the so-called motor tones (vertical and horizontal (lateral) oscillations of engines on elastic pylons). A new type of flutter has appeared – pylon, which for some aircraft determines the critical flutter speed of the aircraft as a whole. The main reason for this phenomenon is the low oscillation damping of the engine on the pylon under the wing. Therefore, research aimed at modernizing the engine mounting points on the pylon in order to reduce the level of elastic oscillations during aircraft operation seems relevant. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is to use the concept of a freed engine, when the engine attachment points to the pylon are modernized, providing more effective damping of engine oscillations. In order to confirm the possibility of practical implementation of these solutions, corresponding experimental studies were carried out on an experimental setup developed by the authors. A design of engine mounting units has been developed that allows specified displacements of the engine relative to the pylon during forced elastic oscillations of the system, which includes a hinged suspension, installation of additional elastic elements and hydraulic dampers.The article presents the results of studies of the influence of elastic-dissipative parameters (partial frequency of natural oscillations and partial decrement of oscillations) of an engine mount on an elastic pylon on the dynamic characteristics of the dynamic system “wing model – elastic pylon – engine”. It is shown that by introducing specially designed engine suspension units on pylons, it is possible to significantly change the dynamic characteristics (frequencies and amplitudes of natural oscillations) of the elastic system as a whole. Thus, the amplitudes of oscillations of the engine’s center of mass in the region of motor tones decrease by 3...7 times during forced harmonic oscillations.
Moscow State Institute of Civil Aviation
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