
Zavalishin O. I.


The problem of accurate navigation support for landing systems is of great importance in our time in connection with the constantly increasing intensity of air traffic in major airports. At present, there is a trend towards a transition to navigational identification of aircraft by satellite radio navigation systems. Currently, two global navigation satellite systems, composed of navigational spacecraft – the Russian GLONASS system and the USA GPS system – operate in full. Moreover, to provide the necessary accuracy of positioning and data integrity the additional means are used – differential corrections. The article gives evidence of increasing the accuracy of positioning using the GBAS system. It is shown that the positioning with using GBAS ensures data integrity, corresponding to the category of «critical data» in accordance with ICAO requirements. The technical advantages of the Russian GBAS station are given. A comparative analysis of GBAS and the ILS landing system has been carried out. The article proves the urgency of the functional augmentation development of multi-frequency multi-system terrestrial systems. To calculate the characteristics of the maintenance continuity of the GBAS system, the complex technical systems effectiveness method of evaluation was used. Numerical data are presented on the probability of solving the navigation problem in the differential mode for the nominal mode. The calculation of the maintenance continuity characteristics of the GBAS system based on the complex technical systems effectiveness method of evaluation was carried out. The advantages of using the mobile version of the GBAS LKKS-A-2000 station are substantiated to provide the helicopters with an instrument approach for landing on unprepared sites. The figure shows the implementation of coordinates estimation errors in the differential mode in solving the navigation problem using 5 navigation satellites of the GPS system. The figure shows the implementation of estimation errors for the same record in using all visible and navigational satellites. The figure shows the number of visible navigation satellites.


Moscow State Institute of Civil Aviation


General Medicine

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