"L’implication de l’enseignant dans l’intégration des étudiants en difficulté d’apprentissage"




"In recent years, more and more students are faced with learning difficulties and the conditions of integration of these students are a concern for many teachers and specialists. First, a teacher can adapt his teaching strategies in several ways. He can offer more concrete teaching based on physical media, reformulate instructions or explanations, reinforce expected behaviors or offer several short work sessions rather than a single long session. Secondly, a teacher can also diversify his teaching. He can, for example, take advantage of cooperative teaching by asking a student to explain a certain subject to others or create a team made up of a more advanced student and a student with learning difficulties. The teacher could also offer learning recovery sessions to students for whom certain notions remain misunderstood. While making it easier for the teacher, cooperative learning allows students to help and support each other"


Pro Universitaria

Reference16 articles.

1. "Bataille, P., Julia Midelet, J. (2021). L'école inclusive : un défi pour l'école : repères pratiques pour une formation adaptée des élèves, ESF.

2. Bărbuceanu, C. D. (2020). Visual Teaching - Using Digitalised Material to Engage ESP Students, Revista de Știinte Politice, Revue des Sciences Politiques, Craiova: Universitaria Publishing House, no. 67, 36-44.

3. Belleau, J. (2015). La conception universelle de l'apprentissage (CUA) : une approche de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage visant l'inclusion de tous.

4. CAPRES. https://eduq.info/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11515/34460/capres-belleau-conceptionuniverselle-apprentissage2015.pdf?sequence=2

5. Brunbrouck, A. (2018). Dépasser les difficultés d'apprentissage, Comment révéler le potentiel de chacun?, Retz.








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